There’s a childhood book I loved to read to my children and now to my grandchildren. It’s “My Little Golden Book About God” by Eloise Wilkin and I pretty much have it memorized. There’s one line I love –
“He gives us memories of yesterdays, so that happy times and people we love we can keep with us always in our hearts. For God is love.” Memories are supposed to be wonderful reminders of people, places, moments. We all have reminders built into our lives to remind us of moments past – the seashell you picked up on the beach, the special ring you wear on your finger – a photo, a favorite place, a song that takes you back. I met a girl on a film set in Hollywood who had tattoos all over her body – Disneyland characters and scenes burned in dark ink on her legs, her arms, her chest. A limb from the talking tree Groot wound down her arm and onto her fingers.
Laura WoodworthWhat’s your dream? I pray you will be inspired and encouraged to pursue all God has for you. Now, more than ever, we need people of faith to go, do and become the light for the world. Categories