Has life become uncomfortable? Are you feeling out of sorts—even on the verge of tears—and can’t put your finger on why? You’re desperate for a breakthrough of SOMETHING but you don’t know what that something is. Is God birthing something in your soul? “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:19 NIV
We’ve heard all the clichés. It’s darkest before the dawn... Your breakthrough is just around the corner... Someday you’ll look back at this and laugh. But if you’re in the middle of the birthing process, the intended encouragement is hard to receive when you’re struggling through the pain. You feel like something good is on the way—a long-held dream, an answer to prayer, a hoped-for moment—but it’s hard to see that far into the future. It may take great faith to believe that something new is on the horizon, but we can be inspired by Abraham’s faith. He believed in “the God who gives life to the dead and calls into being things that were not” and in his faith became “fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised” (Romans 4:17-21). What’s On the Horizon? When you’re birthing a baby, you know something wonderful will be in your arms soon, but you don’t know exactly what this child will look like. Will she have your nose? Her daddy’s eyes? Black hair or blonde? It’s the same way when God is birthing something spiritual in our lives. We may be unsure of the exact details, but we have a glimmer of an idea of what this “new thing” will look like. You hold the form of it in your heart and mind, but your full understanding of its shape may not come until it’s fully revealed and out there for the world to see. What To Do When a Dream is About To Come Forth If you feel like God is birthing something through your life, set aside a quiet time to listen for His voice. Be ready to write what He is speaking to you. In the book of Genesis, God revealed His plan for mankind to Noah, and then gave him instructions on how to build the ark. It had never been done before, but it would save his family from the coming flood. “So make yourself an ark of cypress wood; make rooms in it and coat it with pitch inside and out.” Genesis 6:14 NIV Later, in the book of Exodus, God gave Moses exact dimensions of the tabernacle he was to build. God’s instructions were very specific, even down to the number of curtains, the colors, and the artistic designs he was to weave into the cloth! “You are to construct the tabernacle itself with ten curtains of finely spun linen, each with blue, purple, and scarlet yarn, and cherubim skillfully worked into them.” Exodus 26:1 God will do the same for you. Even if He doesn’t offer step-by-step instructions, He will reveal enough details to help you move toward your future. Preparation is Important “... new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you.” Isaiah 42:9 Noah and Moses gathered materials to complete the God-given vision shared with them. For Noah it was gopher wood and pitch. Moses had to gather linen of all colors and then artisans to weave the beautiful cloth. When something new is about to spring forth in your life, God may instruct you in ways to prepare. There may be schooling you need to walk into this new thing, or certain friendly collaborations to see it realized. God may direct you to save and gather finances, establish an online platform, or build relationships in your community to achieve the fullness of this dream. Stir your faith and take action as God leads you. Listen and Pray Listen closely and pray for the future God is showing you. The “new thing” may be off in the distance, but your prayers can bring it close! Join in the faith of Abraham to believe in “the God who gives life to the dead and calls into being things that were not.” (Romans 4:17) Speak forth what does not yet exist and put a name to the good thing you believe God is leading you towards. Push through the uncomfortable stage of carrying this dream with a new confidence that something amazing is on the way! The birthing process is not easy, but there’s great joy in the delivery. If you’ve ever delivered a child, the beauty of it is that once the baby is in your arms, all the hours of labor are forgotten. The pain becomes a distant memory as you embrace the joy of a child. If you’re weepy or uncomfortable, instead of chalking it up to a bad day at work or uncertainties at home, consider that God may be up to something. He may be birthing something in your soul. Photo by Benedict Tahjar on Unsplash This article first appeared on Family Christian.
Beth Gohra
6/23/2023 07:32:08 pm
I'm 65 and retiring and still feel as though God is calling me to do something special, but not sure what, so I am listening.
Laura Woodworth
6/24/2023 12:31:57 pm
Hi Beth! Thank you for sharing. It sounds like you are on the verge of something new! I am believing with you for God's guidance and pray you'll have the courage to step through. I will also be praying with you for your son. Come, Lord Jesus! All my best -Laura Woodworth
Beth Gohra
6/24/2023 03:43:45 pm
Thank you Laura! So appreciate in HIM!!
6/24/2023 12:22:16 pm
I’m 64 and my husband and I were in a MVA in 2022 sitting still with a vehicle in front of us waiting for it to turn when a huge truck carrying a excavator on the back of it hit us at the speed of 65-70 miles an hour.
Laura Woodworth
6/24/2023 12:35:20 pm
Hi, Cheryl - and wow. It sounds like you and your husband have been on quite a journey. So very thankful to hear of the miraculous preservation of your lives. I am believing with you for all that the future holds. All my best - Laura Woodworth
Beth Gohra
6/24/2023 03:45:19 pm
thank you Cheryl!! God is certainly strong in and through you and your husbands. Thank you for sharing!!
Yvonne Leaf
12/13/2023 06:12:35 am
Hi Laura,
Laura Woodworth
12/13/2023 07:52:36 am
Hi, Yvonne - I am excited with you for the new journey you and your husband are on. It's precious that you are there for your mom; this is something you will never regret and I pray God will take care of you even as you take care of her.
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Laura WoodworthWhat’s your dream? I pray you will be inspired and encouraged to pursue all God has for you. Now, more than ever, we need people of faith to go, do and become the light for the world. Categories