Joy. It’s an underlying theme throughout the Bible. There’s joy in God’s presence, joy in God’s house, joy when we receive the answer to our prayers. Are you tapping into it?
Winds blow. Storms come. Are you swayed by “winds of doctrine”? Affected by the news of another scandal in the pulpit? Are you moved by the encroaching agendas of darkness?
Cling to the Rock... Are you living with intention? Do you have a purpose and plan for your life – something that motivates you, excites you – and more importantly, gives you hope?
It’s easy to fall into the rut of living an automated life... Can you hear The Cry? The cry of the human heart? It’s calling as you pass the bus stop. It’s looking through the eyes of the girl across the counter, the guy across the room. It’s contemplating the alternatives...
Typically I look forward to the new year. A time to hope and dream. A time to toss the old and embrace the new. But this year was different. I’m facing uncertainties in 2024 and I realized there was an element of fear in my heart.
Can I meet the challenges? Dodge the potential punches? Ride the roller coaster that “new” and uncertain sometimes brings? Instead of excitement, I was reluctant to dream too much, hope too big... What’s your biggest need right now? It could be spiritual, emotional, physical, or even career related. We’ve all been there. Stuck, stalemated, absolutely at the end of ourselves.
I don’t know what your desperate place is, but I want to encourage you that now is the time to believe. It’s almost become a cliché. Are you saved? To the outside world, the question may seem arrogant or even confusing. But for those who have experienced the saving knowledge of God, it’s a valid question that needs to be asked.
But how many of us are truly living the full life that God intended at the cross? Salvation may begin there, but if you read through the Bible you’ll find a salvation that encompasses the totality of who we are - body, soul and spirit... It’s one of my least liked questions in the world, and yet it seems so innocent. “How was your day?” Ask me that and I immediately examine the hours since I crawled out of bed – the frustrations, the irritations, the disappointments, the accomplishments. All put under scrutiny as I try to respond to your simple question...
As the heat wave continues across the world, I’m incredibly thankful for a good, working air conditioner. The house has stayed comfortable and we’ve been able to focus on our tasks versus struggling to keep cool.
Our neighbor’s air conditioner is another story. Bushes had grown around it, choking out the air it needed to function well. It was loud and ran continuously trying to keep up with the heat and complete its mission: to cool the house... Addiction comes in many forms – a dependence on something other than God to meet your needs and satisfy your cravings. It could be food or entertainment, unhealthy or unholy relationships, an unbalanced need for love or acceptance, or a reliance on drugs, alcohol, or – can I say it – even caffeine.
We excuse. We rationalize. We cover up. We deny. But deep within we sense a Holy Spirit prompting that our lives aren’t quite right. We aren’t quite our own. Something else is driving our lives and ultimately, controlling our future. Do you want to be free? |
Laura WoodworthWhat’s your dream? I pray you will be inspired and encouraged to pursue all God has for you. Now, more than ever, we need people of faith to go, do and become the light for the world. Categories