“Can these dry bones live?” It’s easy to fall into hopelessness and despair when it seems life has passed you by. A womb that remained barren, a relationship that never blossomed, a career that never took off the way you expected—your dreams shriveled and dry...
Ever wish life offered “do-overs”? You can have a fresh start in God and actually – you can rewrite your life story. Paul did it. Jonah did it. You can do it too.
Don’t be afraid to consider rewriting what your future looks like. All things are possible with God! “The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.” Psalm 37:22 NLT
Have you ever had a chance meeting that seemed way beyond coincidence? Running into an old friend at the grocery store, meeting someone who is the missing piece in your entrepreneurial venture, or encountering a person who desperately needs God’s love and you just “happen” to be there to share it with them. I call those divine appointments... It can be hard to maintain a thankful heart in the midst of a struggle. But gratefulness can make the difference between sliding down a long hard path of bitterness – and believing in hope for things to turn.
I know. I’ve been there. I think we’ve all been tempted to give in to doubt and depression when things don’t seem to line up with God’s plan and his promises. However... His word is true. God’s promises are “yes and amen.” He is not slow in keeping his promises as some may think... We’re less than 30 days into the new year, but I’m wondering—has 2023 lost its glitter? Have you lost your life purpose? Maybe you started the new year with great excitement but now you’ve lost your bearings or you’re wallowing in the muck of last year’s unfinished business. It’s time to shake off the dust so that you can experience all God has for you this year!
Here are five action steps you can implement today to regain the wonder and excitement of the year. You have a future and a hope in God. Now let’s help you find it... It’s one of my least liked questions in the world, and yet it seems so innocent. “How was your day?” Ask me that and I immediately examine the hours since I crawled out of bed – the frustrations, the irritations, the disappointments, the accomplishments. All put under scrutiny as I try to respond to your simple question...
Stores do it often to stay open and do business. Taking inventory of what’s on the shelf and what needs to be replenished. Restocking, facing off the shelves, giving everything a fresh look.
The year is quickly slipping away. Spring into summer, and now the trees show a hint of fall, tinges of color brushing their leaf tips. It can be easy to lose the year's momentum and settle into a “what will be will be” mentality, but if you do the math, we’re only in the eighth month... As the heat wave continues across the world, I’m incredibly thankful for a good, working air conditioner. The house has stayed comfortable and we’ve been able to focus on our tasks versus struggling to keep cool.
Our neighbor’s air conditioner is another story. Bushes had grown around it, choking out the air it needed to function well. It was loud and ran continuously trying to keep up with the heat and complete its mission: to cool the house... |
Laura WoodworthWhat’s your dream? I pray you will be inspired and encouraged to pursue all God has for you. Now, more than ever, we need people of faith to go, do and become the light for the world. Categories