Have you ever noticed how quickly prayerful concerns can evolve into anxiety? Heavy burdens easily spiral into anxious thoughts and sleepless nights. Maybe you’re speaking God’s word over a wayward daughter, a sick friend or a long-held dream, and praying all the “right” prayers, but if you’re stressed, it’s time to check your trust level... If you haven’t mixed trust into the spiritual equation, you’ll be grasping at straws as you look for signs that the situation is turning. Or worse yet, waver in doubt every time it seems like things have taken a downward turn.
And now you’re not sleeping at night. You’d like to justify the insomnia by claiming that God kept you up to pray but to be honest, you’d have to admit that your sleepless nights are the result of worry. And worry breeds fear. Sometimes when we’re praying for someone close to us, it’s just as important to reassure and speak the word of God to our own souls as it is to pray it over their lives. Otherwise fear can latch hold. You lose faith, you imagine the worst of scenarios, and you may even avoid the person you’re praying for because the pain of it has overwhelmed you. You can’t bear to see the muck and mire your loved one is sloshing through as they avoid the call of God on their lives. Your heart hurts too much to see a friend grapple with illness or impending death. You drop the dream you once held so closely in your heart because you can’t see your way through anymore. And so you back off, close the door on that chapter of your life and move on. Trust. Can you hear the Holy Spirit whispering to your heart? Trust and believe. Believe beyond what your eyes can see. Believe beyond what the doctors say. It’s not over until it’s over. There really is such a thing as an 11th-hour miracle. You or your loved one may be a recipient. Your heart must lock in on the promises of God. A God who hears and answers prayer. A God who cares more deeply about the situation than you do. A God who is for you and not against you, and whose arm is not too short to save and deliver and heal. Trust. Bolster your faith by reminding your soul of the truths of who God is and what He promises to those who believe: He is the God who hears and answers prayer. “I took my troubles to the Lord; I cried out to him, and he answered my prayer.” Psalm 120:1 NLT He watches over His word to complete it in our lives. “... I am watching to see that my word is fulfilled.” Jeremiah 1:12 NIV His word will not return void but it will accomplish all that He has sent it out to do. “... so is my word that goes out from my mouth; it will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” Isaiah 55:11 NIV Speak these truths. Say them to yourself and announce them to every principality and power in this earth that would try to breed fear and anxiety in your soul. Fight the good fight of faith – for yourself as much as for your loved one or close situation. Trust. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5 NLT Photo by Olivia Snow on Unsplash This article first appeared on FamilyChristian.com here.
Susan Gullion
11/25/2022 02:37:02 am
This really is helping me. The midnight hour part, thank you Lord!! It's not over till the Lord says it's over. As I'm reading this listening to Jeremy camp's song out of my hands. All I can say hallelujah thank you Jesus. I'm going to start fighting AGAIN.
Laura Woodworth
11/25/2022 08:49:39 am
Susan - May you continue to fight the GOOD fight of faith. I'm believing with you for the victory. - Laura
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